
From: Michelangelo Grigni (mic@mathcs.emory.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 24 2012 - 15:53:56 EST

I distributed hw3 today, it has two written questions about graphs,
and a program about finding "max bridge" edges.  It is due in about a
week (written part Friday, program Saturday), since we have our
midterm exam soon afterwards (Wednesday 3/7).

The hw3 handout is in the usual place:

The hw3 program files are in share/hw3/:

I recently updated hw3/Notes.txt and hw3/Makefile with some basic
advice about copying, turnin, and how to solve the problem.

I also relaxed one requirement in the hw3 handout: you may print out
the two bridge vertices (the movie and the actor) in either order:
movie first, or actor first.  That way, you do not have to keep track
of which vertices are which kind, and we no longer care whether the
graph is bipartite.

Good luck, and let me know if you solve this early.

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