hw4 turnin

From: Michelangelo Grigni (mic@mathcs.emory.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 03 2012 - 12:42:56 EDT

turnin is enabled for hw4.  As usual, it assumes you
did your work in your ~/cs323/hw4/ directory.   This
requires at least the Makefile and your TSP.java file:

    cd ~/cs323/hw4
    make turnin

If you are remote, like via ssh to lab0z.mathcs.emory.edu,
run the turnin command this way instead:

  xvfb-run make turnin

That creates a "virtual" display for the StdDraw window.
You won't see it, but it can still create *.png snapshots.

The turnin copies your TSP.java, and runs the following five
tests (the first two must succeed):

   [display test]
   make compile
   make run10
   make run100
   make run1000

The "display" test tells you to use xvfb-run, if necessary.

Your TSP.java must compile, relying only on the *.java files
and book.jar from share/hw4/.

The "make run*" tests report their total running time (using
"time java" instead of just "java"), with a 60 second limit
on cpu time.  That should be more than enough.

You can ignore warning messages like these (the file server
clock is out of sync, not your problem):

make[2]: Warning: File `TSP.class' has modification time XX s in the future
make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.

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