hw4 turnin script

From: Michelangelo Grigni (mic@mathcs.emory.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 06 2012 - 13:54:01 EDT

  • Next message: Michelangelo Grigni: "hw5"
    If you only have TSP.java in your cs323/hw4/ directory (no Makefile,
    or maybe book.jar is not in +libs/), try this:
    xvfb-run ~cs323000/turnin hw4
    That will not bother trying to check things in your directory, it will
    just go straight to the turnin script, which only needs TSP.java
    VL writes:
    > So I tried submitting the homework remotely using the special commands, but
    > the xvfb-run make turnin just responded with "no rule to make target
    > 'turnin'"

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