hw5 turnin, moved deadline to Friday

From: Michelangelo Grigni (mic@mathcs.emory.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 25 2012 - 03:43:37 EDT

  • Next message: Michelangelo Grigni: "hw5/CharSort.java"
    turnin is enabled for hw5 (BWT.java), try:
        cd ~/cs323/hw5
        ~cs323000/turnin hw5
    (I forgot to define "turnin" in the original Makefile, so
    our usual "make turnin" does not work.   Actually it
    will work if you re-copy the Makefile, but you can just
    use the above method instead.)
    It compiles your BWT.java (it must at least compile),
    and tries the four tests (run, ghost, moby, pipi).
    The last two each have a 10 second time limit, but do
    not worry about passing 'pipi' unless you are trying for
    the extra credit.
    Because I have been late with this, and still need to
    answer some of your email requests, I'm moving the
    actual deadline one day, to 9pm Friday.

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