Still no syllabus handout, and we still don't have an email list. But the course website is starting to come up: I hope to have a first homework out Wednesday. Recall we'll take some time to visit the lab (now linux based) on Friday. Before the lab visit, remember to visit and change your unix login shell to bash (not ksh). Regarding the UF topic from last time: to finish that up, I'd like to demonstrate how to run a small code example from the book. In fact the textbook programs are installed in share/book/. The main thing to notice is that they depend on a non-standard JAR library (defining some convenience methods, mainly for I/O). For example: cs323000@caribou:~/share/book$ pwd /home/cs323000/share/book cs323000@caribou:~/share/book$ java -cp stdlib.jar:. UF