Today we continue Section 4.4, on three single-source SP algorithms. Dijkstra: no neg edges, IndexMinHeap, near linear time Acyclic: neg edges OK, topological sort, linear time Bellman Ford: neg OK, multiple passes, O(VE) versus O(V+E) Resuming slides: p 32, Dijkstra code, needs IndexMinPQ (just like non-lazy Prim) p 35, four traversal algorithms as instances of "priority first search" p 40, DAG SP code, relax edges out of each vertex, in topological order allows negatives, so we can also compute "longest paths" in DAG, p 43, application: "critical path method" for job scheduling p 48, negative cycles cause trouble p 49, the simplest algorithm! repeat V times: relax every edges p 51, same worst case, but butter: Bellman-Ford, vertex FIFO (like BFS) p 54, summary p 55, negative cycle detection (find by traceback in Bellman-Ford) Some running code examples: cd ../book run DijkstraSP tinyEWD.txt 0 # can vary start vertex s=0 run AcyclicSP tinyEWDAG.txt 5 # DAG, all reachable from s=5 run AcyclicLP tinyEWDAG.txt 5 # same DAG, longest paths instead run BellmanFordSP tinyEWDn.txt 0 # works with negative edges run BellmanFordSP tinyEWDnc.txt 0 # detect a negative cycle The book does not say much about "all-pairs" SP algorithms, so that could be something we consider in homework. There may not be time today, but I'd like to say a few words about SP algorithms beyond the textbook: "A* search": find a path from s to t, taking advantage of a function h(x), which estimates the distance from x to the destination t. This can avoid searching a huge graph (For example, given a huge road map of the USA, how quickly find a shortest path from Atlanta to Boston?) "Johnson's Algorithm": find all-pairs shortest paths, in a graph with negative edges but no negative cycle. Works by one application of BF, and then V applications of Dijkstra. So roughly O(V E log V) total time. "Floyd-Warshall": find all-pairs shortest path information, for dense graphs (using matrices), neg edges, in O(V^3) time. This does *not* relax edges (it combines paths instead). Not in textbook, but their website does provide source, see ../book/ Both A* and Johnson use the following trick: assign a "height" h(x) to each vertex, and for each edge (x,y), redefine its weight to be w'(x,y) = w(x,y) + h(y) - h(x) This does not change the sequence of edges in any shortest path! They do this either to eliminate negative edges (Johnson) or to prefer edges leading towards the target t (A*).