Admin: returning hw3 written today (not earlier, I'm grading a stack). Today I'll introduce the "Burrows Wheeler Transform" (BWT), an application of suffix sorting that turns out to be useful in text compression. I expect your next (last) homework will involve implement both the forward BWT (easy) and its inverse (trickier). See: Also it has some discussion in our book (pages 926-927) and website: We'll define the transform (see the paper!). Some examples of the BWT: banana -> annb%aa bananamanana -> annnnmb%aaaaa But how to transform back? The "tabular" argument that we can reverse this seems to be quadratic time, but we'll see that there is a clever linear time solution. Idea: we have string L, the last table column. Sort it (by counting-sort) to get F, the first column of the table. For each index j compute T[j], so that if L[j] is the i-th occurrence of that character in L, then F[T[j]] is the i-th occurrence of the same character in F. We can compute this T array in O(N) time (like counting-sort). It turns out it is the "same char" in both strings. Once we have it, we see T defines a cyclic permutation through all the positions of F (or L), recovering the original string (in reverse).