Admin: Recall hw5 program is due 9pm Thursday. I have not enabled turnin yet, but that should be soon. For hw5 written: I do not have it ready yet, so expect an email announcement when it is ready. Unlike previous homeworks, it will be mostly short "exam style" problems, so that it will also serve as review for our final (which is 4:30pm Friday 5/4). Examples of such problems (for recent topics): 1. given a pattern string, show its KMP DFA, and its KMP NFA 2. given symbol frequencies, derive their Huffman code, and then encode some message using that code 3. given a sequence of LZW codes, decode them 4. given a flow network: find a max flow, its residual network, and a min-cut. Today: Finishing LZW decoding, including the "tricky case", and also what we might do when the table fills up, and to end the file. See: slides starting around page 38 (animated example) ../book/ (note they use code=R to mark EOF) A remark on BWT+Huffman: you would definitely need *adaptive* Huffman (or something similar, not the fixed Huffman in the book code) to take advantage of the local repetitions in the BWT output. Finally, introducing our last "big" topic: Section 6.4, MinCut/MaxFlow (and a brief intro to linear programming) I'll introduce the basic problems, and we'll get started towards the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm (and concepts like the residual graph). See: 64MaxFlow.pdf