Today I'll return hw2 written (I still have hw1, that's next!). I'll also handout hw5 written, which is largely intended as review. There are six problems, but you only need to write up three, I'll distribute solutions on reading day. Schedule: This week: Last regular lectures, mostly on maxflow (a bit of LP). The hw5 program (BWT) is due Thursday. Next week: Monday: last regular meeting, review, evals, hw5 written due. Wednesday: reading day, I'll offer a review session 11am-12:30 in W302 (note the different room.) Friday: final exam, our usual room, 4:30-7pm. I will allow you to prepare *one sheet of notes* to bring and use for this exam. I may want to look at your sheet at the end of the exam, just to verify it is your own work. Today I'll continue talking about the maxflow/mincut problem. In particular we'll introduce the Ford-Fulkerson (FF) algorithm, and see first of all that it can solve the problem. In fact we'll see that it solves both maxflow and mincut simultaneously. If we have time, we'll get into issues of how to implement FF efficiently (mainly, in "polynomial time", avoiding some bad behavior if we pick the augmenting paths in an arbitrary way). Slides: resuming around page 16.