Wei Jin’s Homepage
Hi there! I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Emory University. I obtained my Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Jiliang Tang. Prior to that, I completed my B.E. degree at Zhejiang University in 2019. I have notable accomplishments such as INNS Doctoral Dissertation Runner-up Award, KAUST Rising Stars in AI, AAAI New Faculty Highlights, Snap Research Fellowship, Most Influential Papers in KDD and WWW by PaperDigest, and top finishes in three NeurIPS competitions. In addition, I regularly serve as organizers, (senior) PC members, and reviewers for multiple international conferences and journals in machine learning and data science such as ICLR, KDD, ICML, NeurIPS, AISTATS, AAAI, IJCAI, WWW, WSDM, CIKM, TPAMI, TKDE, TKDD and TNNLS.
[Recruiting Ph.D. students and interns] I am actively seeking highly-motivated students for Ph.D. or Research Intern positions. If you are interested, please send me your CV, transcripts, and brief descriptions about why you want to work with me. Due to the substantial volume of emails I receive daily, I would like to apologize in advance as I may not be able to respond to each of them. I appreciate your understanding.
Research Interests:
- Graph Neural Networks, Graph Machine Learning
- Time-Series Analysis (e.g., Forecasting and Classification)
- AI for Epidemiology, Science and Healthcare
- Trustworthy AI: Robustness, Interpretability, Privacy, and Fairness
- Large Language Models (LLMs)
Email: wei.jin At emory.edu. Find me on Github, Twitter and Linkedin.
Open-Source Projects
EpiLearn: A Python Library for Machine Learning in Epidemic Modeling
In KDD epiDAMIK 2024
[Paper] [Code] [reading list]
We sincerely welcome your feedback on our package. If you encounter any issues while using it, our team is committed to promptly resolving them.
DeepRobust: A Platform for Adversarial Attacks and Defenses
In AAAI 2021
[Website] [Paper] [Code]
DANCE: A Deep Learning Library and Benchmark for Single-Cell Analysis
In Genome Biology
[Website] [Code] [paper] [reading list]
- [01/2024] Excited to share that Data Packing for LLMs and LLM for Decision-Making is accpeted by NAACL’25!
- [01/2024] Excited to share that our paper on Graph Data Valuation is accpeted by ICLR’25!
- [12/2024] Excited to receive MP3 INITIATIVE SEED GRANTS to support our research in AI for Epidemiology!
- [12/2024] Excited to share that Emory Artificial Intelligence and Data Association (EAIDA) has been officially recognized as a student organization by Emory University! I am serving as the faculty advisor; please check out our website if you are interested in joining us!
- [12/2024] Our tutorial on Time Series Analysis is accepted by WWW’25!
- [11/2024] Our On-Device Dataset Condensation paper is accepted by Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE)
- [11/2024] Two papers (Diffusion Model for Link Prediction and Graph Pre-Training) accepted by LoG
- [11/2024] Invited talk at Statistical Advisory Group at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on “Deep Learning Methods and Toolkits for Epidemic Modeling”
- [11/2024] Our paper Neural Networks for Endemic Measles Dynamics is accepted by PLOS Computational Biology!
- [10/2024] Invited talk at University of Queensland. We will talk about “Graph Neural Networks in Epidemic Modeling: An In-Depth Review and Toolkit”
- [10/2024] Invited talk at Kennesaw State University
- [09/2024] One paper on Graph-LLM accepted by NeurIPS Benchmark and Dataset Track!
- [09/2024] Starting to work with McNair Middle School through Science ATL to design teaching materials focused on Grades K-8. Our mission is to enhance access to STEM learning resources and careers for students from groups underrepresented in the STEM fields!
- [07/2024] Delivered the Machine Leanring for Infectious Disease Modeling module at the SISMID summer course
- [07/2024] We will deliver a tutorial on Graph for Epidemiology at KDD 2024! Welcome to our session to learn this exiciting direction!
- [07/2024] Excited to receive the INNS Doctoral Dissertation Runner-up Award!
More news
[06/2024] Excited to announce the release of our Python package, EpiLearn, for Machine Learning in Epidemiology ! We would greatly appreciate your attention and feedback!
[05/2024] Our survey on GNNs for Epidemic Modeling has been accepted by KDD 2024!
[05/2024] Our exploration on Graph OOD has been accepted by KDD 2024!
[04/2024] Lossless Graph Condensation has been accepted by ICML 2024!
[04/2024] Our survey on graph reduction has been accepted by IJCAI 2024!
[04/2024] Our team has won Kaggle Bronze medal (top 7%) at Harvard - Harmful Brain Activity Classification!
[04/2024] Invited talk at University of Georgia
[03/2024] Our benchmark DANCE is published in Genome Biology! Join us to analyze single-cell gene expression via deep learning!
[02/2024] Invited talk at Rising Stars in AI Symposium, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
[01/2024] Invited talk at Georgia Tech CSE
[01/2024] Check out our recent survey on graph reduction, covering sparsification, coarserning and condensation!
[01/2024] One paper on [Graph Condensation for Interpretation] has been accepted by WWW(TheWebConf)’24
[01/2024] Two papers accepted by ICLR’24
[12/2023] Excited to be selcted for AAAI-2024 New Faculty Highlights .!
[11/2023] Our workshop on Data-Centric AI is accepted by WWW’24!
[09/2023] Two papers accepted to NeurIPS’23
[08/2023] One paper on single-cell analysis accepted by CIKM’23
[07/2023] Check out our new preprint on LLMs for Graph!
[07/2023] My dissertation is now available online [link]!
[06/2023] KDD Cup 2023 Workshop is now calling for paper submissions!
[05/2023] Our paper “Enhancing Graph Representations Learning with Decorrelated Propagation” got accepted by KDD’23!
[05/2023] Thrilled to receive the Fitch H. Beach Award (Highest Honor at MSU College of Engineering)!
[04/2023] Thrilled to receive the Best Poster Award (Honorable Mention) at SDM’23!
[04/2023] Invited to serve as an undergraduate mentor at UNLV & Google ExploreCSR Program. We encourage students from historically-underrepresented groups to apply!
[03/2023] Thrilled to receive the Outstanding Graduate Student Award at MSU!
[03/2023] We have launched the Amazon KDD Cup’23 Competition, featuring a multilingual recommendation challenge. Feel free to submit your solutions and potentially win thousands of dollars!
[01/2023] Our work on Data Augmentation for KG is accepted by WWW’23!
🐰[01/2023] Our work Test-Time Graph Transformation is accepted by ICLR’23!
[12/2022] Invited to serve as a PC Member for KDD’23 as well as a reviewer for ICML’23
[12/2022] Thrilled to receive Snap Research Fellowship!
[11/2022] We won a Kaggle Silver Medal at NeurIPS’22 Multimodal Single-Cell Integration (Top 2% ≈ 24/1266)!
[11/2022] We won the second place at NeurIPS’22 OGB-LSC, MAG240M Track!
[11/2022] Our tutorial on Graph Data Augmentation is accepted by SDM’23!
[11/2022] Our paper on Attacking GNN Explainer is accepted by ICDE’23!
[10/2022] Thrilled to release our survey Deep Learning in Single-Cell Analysis!
[10/2022] Thrilled to release our paper for DANCE package!
[09/2022] Invited to serve as PC Members for AISTATS’23 and WWW’23
[08/2022] We release our Python toolkit DANCE for analyzing single-cell gene expression via deep learning!
[06/2022] Invited to serve as Senior PC Member for AAAI’23 and PC Member for WSDM’23
[05/2022] Three papers accepted to KDD’22: [Faster Graph Condensation], [Overcorrelation in GNNs] and [GNN for Single Cell Analysis]!
[04/2022] One paper accepted to SIGIR’22!
[02/2022] I gave invited talks at Sheffield Univeristy and University of Notre Dame.
🐯[01/2022] Three papers accepted to ICLR’22: [Graph Condensation], [AutoSSL for Graphs] and [GNN As Kernel] !
[01/2022] Our book chapter “Graph Neural Networks: Self-supervised Learning” is published in the new edited Springer book “Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications”!
[12/2021] Our GNN solution for OpenProblems-NeurIPS’21 Single-Cell Multimodal Data Integration wins the first place in the task of modality prediction!
[10/2021] One paper on robust GNN (againt noisy features) is accepted by NeurIPS’21. Check here for more details.
[10/2021] I gave an invited talk at Emory University.
[09/2021] Thrilled to start my fall internship at Amazon!
[08/2021] Check out our KDD’21 tutorial “Graph Representation Learning: Foundations, Methods, Applications and Systems”
[08/2021] Our work “Graph Feature Gating Network” is accepted by CIKM’21!
[05/2021] Thrilled to start my summer internship at Snap Inc., mentored by Neil Shah and Yozen Liu!
[05/2021] The Chinese version of book “Deep Learning on Graphs” is out. Please check here to know more details :)
[05/2021] Our paper Elastic GNN is accepted as a long talk by ICML’21!
[04/2021] One paper is accepted by Findings of ACL 2021. Check here for more details.
[04/2021] Honored to present a tutorial about graph neural networks in SDM 2021 [slides]
[02/2021] Honored to present a tutorial about graph neural networks in AAAI 2021 [slides/video]
[10/2020] Our graph attack survey “Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Graphs: A Review, A Tool and Empirical Studies” is accepted by SIGKDD Explorations
[10/2020] Our demo “DeepRobust: a Platform for Adversarial Attacks and Defenses” is accepted by AAAI2021!
[10/2020] Our paper “Node Similarity Preserving Graph Convolutional Networks” is accepted by WSDM2021
[08/2020] Our new book about “Deep Learning on Graphs” is coming out soon!
[06/2020] Preprint “Self-supervised Learning on Graphs: Deep Insights and New Direction”
[05/2020] Our paper “Graph Structure Learning for Robust Graph Neural Networks” is accepted by KDD2020
[05/2020] Our tutorial “Adversarial Attacks and Defenses: Frontiers, Advances and Practice” is accepted by KDD2020
[05/2020] Preprint “DeepRobust: A PyTorch Library for Adversarial Attacks and Defenses”
[03/2020] Preprint “Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Graphs: A Review and Empirical Study”
[02/2020] Check our repository DeepRobust here, which is a pytorch library for adversarial attacks and defenses on images and graphs
[02/2020] Honored to present our tutorial in AAAI 2020 [website]
[09/2019] Our tutorial “Graph Neural Networks: Models and Applications” is accepted by AAAI2020
[08/2019] Start my Ph.D. life at Michigan State University!
[07/2019] Graduate from Zhejiang University with the awards of Outstanding Graduate of ZJU and Zhejiang Province, China
I enjoy many different kinds of sports including running, basketball, ping-pong and tennis. During my undergrad, I got several champions in 400m, 400m hurdles and 4*400m relay races at the university sports meet.
Now my goal is to bulk up and hopefully get a certificate of personal trainer. Let’s see what will happen 5 4 3 2 years later :)