CS Seminar

Title: Characterization and Mitigation of Misinformation in Social Media Characterization and Mitigation of Misinformation in Social Media
Seminar: Computer Science
Speaker: Francesca Spezzano, PhD, Boise State University
Contact: Vaidy Sunderam, vss@emory.edu
Date: 2022-09-30 at 1:00PM
Venue: https://emory.zoom.us/j/95719302738
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Social media and Web sources have made information available, accessible, and shareable anytime and anywhere nearly without friction. This information can be truthful, falsified, or can only be the opinion of the writer as users on such platforms are both information creators and consumers. In any case, it has the power to affect the decision of an individual, the beliefs of the society, activities, and the economy of the whole country. Thus, it is imperative to identify misinformation and mitigate the effects of false information that are ubiquitous across the Web and social media. In this talk, we first analyze the reasons behind the success of misinformation, then, we present ways of identifying misinformation and the actors responsible for spreading it, and finally, we analyze novel ways to model misinformation diffusion.

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