
From: Michelangelo Grigni (mic@mathcs.emory.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 20 2012 - 20:44:43 EST

I had a few repeated questions about hw2
during office hours, so I'll summarize here.

Written part, question #1, reworded:

   For each k, describe an example of a
   left-leaning red-black tree, with a single insertion,
   such that the insertion causes at least k rotations.
   Furthermore, give me an upper bound on N, the
   size of your example tree (a function on k).

  A specific example, a figure from my whiteboard,
  where one insertion triggers k=3 rotations:

Program part (PRedBlackBST.java):

  A repeated source issue:
   the 2-argument version of "put" must be "public"
   (to agree with its declaration in the parent class)

  To compile, test, and turnin (in your ~/cs323/hw2 directory):
    javac *.java            # ignore the two warning messages
    java -ea Driver        # "-ea" option enables assertion checks

In the rotate methods, you'll need to create new nodes
(say h2 and x2) instead of reusing the existing h and x.
Here is a sketch of rotateRight(h):
   Node x = h.left;
   // goal: create new version x2 of x, above new version of h2.
   // We create h2 first, since x2 will link to h2.
   Node h2 = new Node(h.key, h.val, ?, h.right, RED);
   Node x2 = new Node(x.key, x.val, ???);
   return x2;

Your 3-argument "put" method correponds to "insert" in
But where it modifies a field of h, like:
    h.left = [whatever];
you instead need to create a new version of h:
    h = h.setLeft([whatever]);
The Node.setLeft method does in fact create a new Node, since
the existing Node cannot be modified.

Also you need a new version of flipColors(h).  It should create three
new nodes (new versions of h and its children, with flipped colors)
and then return the new version of h.

PS: I found that "protein network" from today's
  slides (41UndirectedGraphs.pdf, page 3) in this paper:

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