late penalties

From: Michelangelo Grigni (
Date: Tue Feb 21 2012 - 14:22:19 EST

Several people are worried about the hw2 deadline, so let me explain my
late penalties.

First, the written and program parts get separate penalties (so if you are
late with one, it does not penalize the other).   My standard penalty is
10% per day, pro-rated hourly, for a max of 3 days.   So for example, if
you are 20 hours late with just the written part, then that is about an 8%
penalty, and only on the written part.

For the written part: if you do not see me in my office (W426), just slide
it under my door.   The 4th floor department doors lock soon after 5pm, so
it is hard to turn in late written work in the evening, easier to wait
until morning.

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