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Graduate Student Wellness Toolkit

Graduate Student Wellness Toolkit

Did you know that a graduate student in the USA is six times more likely to experience issues related to their wellness and psychological well-being compared to the general population [1-3]?  Why is that the case, and how can we tackle this problem in academia?

In an effort to identify, understand, and tackle the challenges facing our own students in the graduate CSI program at Emory University, we designed an anonymous survey on Graduate Student Wellness. Based on the students' insightful responses and feedback, we conducted a follow-up seminar to discuss the overall patterns observed in the data. We also discussed general factors that contribute to graduate-school stress, and some effective strategies to cope with these common stressors. 

Since then, we have received requests from individuals in other departments (and even other universities), who are interested in reproducing this survey for their own graduate students. This toolkit provides links to the survey, a powerpoint template for giving a mental-health seminar in your department/institution, and pointers to several relevant studies on this topic.

Questions, feedback, suggestions? Please reach out to: nosayba dot ae at emory dot edu.

Toolkit Ingredients 

1. Graduate Wellness Survey.
Please "Make a Copy" before you share this survey with your students.  

2. Graduate Wellness Seminar: PowerPoint Template
This is a sample seminar, designed to discuss the results of the survey with students. The seminar also includes a summary of related studies as well as tips and advice for students on how to take care of their well-being during graduate school.

3. Selected References.
These are some of the studies and articles that helped us develop a better understanding of the problem and, consequently, helped us in designing our graduate wellness survey and the follow-up seminar (linked above). 

[1] Mental Health Crisis for Grad Students, from Inside Higher Ed.
[2] Graduate Student Mental Health: Lessons from American Economics Departments.

[3] Mental Health in Grad School: Recognizing, Understanding & Overcoming Mental Health Issues in Grad School.
[4] Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students.
[5] Center for Collegiate 
Mental Health (CCMH), 2016 Annual Report.
[6] Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education.